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Swarmintelligence research at IRIDIA AI lab 学术报告会



报告题目:Swarmintelligence research at IRIDIA AI lab



报告人:Prof.Marco Dorigo(Universite'Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow, and ECCAIFellow

报告内容In the talk I will introduce the main concepts behind swarmintelligence.  I will first show a few example of swarm intelligence systems in nature and then I will show howthese natural systems have inspired algorithms both in optimisation and incollective robotics.


Marco Dorigo received hisPhD in electronic engineering in 1992 from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, andthe title of Agrégé de l’Enseignement Supérieur, from Université Libre deBruxelles (ULB), in 1995. Since 1996, he has been a tenured Researcher of thefund for scientific research F.R.S.-FNRS of Belgium’s French Community,and a Research Director of IRIDIA, Universite'Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. He is theinventor of the ant colony optimization metaheuristic. His current researchinterests include swarm intelligence and swarm robotics. He is theEditor-in-Chief of Swarm Intelligence.

Prof. Dorigo is an IEEE, AAAI, and ECCAI Fellow. He was awardedthe Italian Prize for Artificial Intelligence in 1996, the EU Marie CurieExcellence Award in 2003, the Belgian Dr. A. De Leeuw–Damry–Bourlart award inapplied sciences in 2005, the Spanish Cajastur International Prize forSoft Computing in 2007, an ERC Advanced Grant in 2010, the IEEE Frank RosenblattAward in 2015, and the IEEE Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award in2016. .




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