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蔡开元 Cai Kaiyuan



籍贯: 福建莆田

学历: 博士



职务: 主任

电子邮箱: kycai@buaa.edu.cn


1980年考入太阳成集团tyc9728本科, 分别于1984年、1987年、1991年在北航获得学士、硕士、博士学位。                    


1993-1995:Research Fellow, City University, London, UK





    1. 2007:“高等学校自然科学奖”一等奖

    2. 2009:“中创软件人才奖”






    [1] Lin Tie, Kai-Yuan Cai, and Yan Lin, “On Uncontrollable Discrete-Time Bilinear Systems which are “Nearly” Controllable”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.55, No.12, 2010, pp2853-2858.
    [2] Bo Zhu, Kai-Yuan Cai, “Approximate trajectory tracking of input-disturbed PVTOL aircraft with delayed attitude measurements”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.20, No.14, 2010, pp1610-1621.
    [3] DedongYang, Kai-Yuan Cai, “Reliable Guaranteed Cost Sampling Control for Nonlinear Time-delay systems”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol.80, No.10, 2010, pp2005-2018.
    [4] Kai-Yuan Cai, Lei Zhang, “Fuzzy Reasoning as a Control Problem”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.16, No.3, 2008, pp600-614.
    [5] Huai-Ning Wu, Kai-Yuan Cai, “H2 Guaranteed Cost Fuzzy Control Design for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems with Parameter Uncertainty”, Automatica, Vol.42, 2006, pp1183-1188.
    [6] Kai-Yuan Cai, “Robustness of Fuzzy Reasoning and δ-Equalities of Fuzzy Sets”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.9, No.5, 2001, pp738-750.
    [7] Kai-Yuan Cai, Ping Cao, Zhao Dong, Ke Liu, “Mathematical Modeling of Software Reliability Testing with Imperfect Debugging”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.59, No.10, 2010, pp3245-3285.
    [8] Cheng-Gang Bai, Kai-Yuan Cai, Qing-Pei Hu, Szu-Hui Ng, “On the Trend of Remaining Software Defects Estimation”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part A, Vol.38, No.5, 2008, pp1129-1142.
    [9] Kai-Yuan Cai, De-Bin Hu, Cheng-Gang Bai, Hai Hu, Tao Jing, “Does Software Reliability Growth Behavior Follow a Non-homogeneous Poisson Process”, Information and Software Technology, Vol.50, 2008, pp1232-1247.
    [10] Kai-Yuan Cai, Zhao Dong, Ke Liu, “Software Testing Processes as a Linear Dynamic System”, Information Sciences, Vol.178, 2008, pp1558-1597.
    [11] Kai-Yuan Cai, Changhai Jiang, Hai Hu, Chenggang Bai, “An Experimental Study of Adaptive Testing for Software Reliability Assessment”, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol.81, 2008, 1406-1429.
    [12] Kai-Yuan Cai, Bo Gu, Hai Hu, Yong-Chao Li, “Adaptive Software Testing with Fixed-Memory Feedback”, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol.80, 2007, pp1328-1348.
    [13] Kai-Yuan Cai, Yong-Chao Li, Ke Liu, “Optimal and Adaptive Testing for Software Reliability Assessment”, Information and Software Technology, Vol.46, 2004, pp989-1000.
    [14] Kai-Yuan Cai, “Optimal Software Testing and Adaptive Software Testing in the Context of Software Cybernetics”, Information and Software Technology, Vol.44, 2002, pp841-855.
    [15] Kai-Yuan Cai, Lin Cai, Wei-Dong Wang, Zhou-Yi Yu, David Zhang, “On the Neural Network Approach in Software Reliability Modeling”, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol.58, 2001, pp47-62.
    [16] Kai-Yuan Cai, Software Defect and Operational Profile Modeling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 1998.
    [17] Kai-Yuan Cai, “Censored Software-Reliability Models”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.46, No.1, 1997, pp69-75.
    [18] 蔡开元,软件可靠性工程基础,清华大学出版社,1995.
    [19] Kai-Yuan Cai, Chuan-Yuan Wen, Ming-Lian Zhang, “A Critical Review on Software Reliability Modeling”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol.32, 1991, pp357-371.


     1. 国际丛书主编:《The Kluwer International Series in Asian Studies on Computer and Information Science》;
    2. 国际杂志编委:《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》, 《International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability》, 《International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing》;
    3. 国际杂志Guest-editor:《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》 (1996), 《Journal Systems and Software》 (2006), 《International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering》 (2006), 《IEEE Transactions on Reliability》 (2010);
    4. 中国计算机学会软件工程专业委员会委员;



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